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The nature ...

30 janvier 2009

The nature ...


30 janvier 2009

Nature Protection

Associations of study and protection of nature are the major players in the field of nature protection. Nearly 3,000 local associations are grouped within the National Federation of France Nature Environment  . A number of associations of major departmental or regional decline in the national territories of function (eg Mayenne Nature Environnement   / or Sologne Nature Environnement  . In France, the protection of Nature has its place in agricultural education: there is a BTSA GPN (Management and Protection of Nature), divided into 2 sections: GEN (Management of Natural Areas) and AN (Animation Nature).

30 janvier 2009

Questioning of this dichotomy

The dichotomy nature / culture is a recent Western cultural specificity, and is not defined anywhere. This paradigm is not just an analytical tool among others, it is also the cornerstone of modern epistemology. So are four Descola "means of identification" which are totemism, animism, the analogy and naturalism. Only the naturalist society (Western) produces the border between self and others through the idea of "nature". Nature is what is not the culture, which is not distinguishing features of the human species, and knowledge and know-how humans.

Its use as an analytical tool ethnology has sometimes been fruitful. However, Philippe Descola has shown in Beyond Nature and Culture (2005), the idea of nature is foreign to many companies.

30 janvier 2009

Principes généraux de l’évolution culturelle

Crops on the only human species, and can identify in living in close connection they have with the symbolic language and with specific forms of organization, techniques and technologies that arise are changing constantly since their emergence, there are several hundreds of thousands of years. They are a continuation of the cultures of primates who were our ancestors, and that looked plausible in part to those who remain as "our cousins" the great apes. However, between the use of voice (in the aria of gibbons) or the use of simple instrumentation, or even days of complex social relationships (in chimpanzees), and deriving an interposition of a grid of meaningful communication between individuals of the same company and the world, there is a snap. It is difficult to be denied, regardless of the effort-worthy and useful - to abolish the concept of "own man", yet to explain, in particular for what it has led to an extraordinary divergence between the destiny of our species and those of others, the closer.

It appears two lines of analysis on this issue conflicting: one focuses on the legitimate ownership of humanity to nature, defies religious prejudice (preferring the origin of man in a decision divine), or the widespread reluctance to accept that we are as a species. The second, basing the humanities and social sciences, attempts to resist a "natural" reductant defending their own, irreducible to other levels of reality: the field of anthropology, which finds its territory in the study what man does not share with other animals. Clearly this is beyond the dogmatic forms of the inevitable antagonism to define more precisely the relationship between "natural continuity" between the cultures of primates and human cultures, and the appearance of a specific discrepancy. To do this, we can resort to a certain point the analogy between the "long history" (Life) and "very short" (human culture): biologists (like Jean Claude Ameisen) studied history of bacteria, in order to understand the incredible complexity of life and death of cells in multicellular organisms. They contend the need to reconstitute the "missing time" to interpret the situation, and understand key phenomena cancer. Other biologists are more interested in the history of the species themselves: in all cases, the analogy with the human stories is heuristic, even to pay the price of anthropomorphism providing the genes or cells intentional human traits as "interests" or "strategies". In contrast, social scientists use little recourse to biological knowledge. They probably wrong in part, but their arguments have nothing to do with a variant of "Creation": they are trying only to develop analytical tools that are not first imported from other disciplines, while in their own area (including the period of less than 30 000 years for which they have indisputable evidence of culture symbolic funeral rites, representations, systems of signs), diversity and the confluence, the movement of short crops appears to obey a priority to special laws.

30 janvier 2009

Culture in relation to nature

Many people today often identify culture or civilization evolved to a state of mankind, which opposed, according to them, in the wild, "nature" is a wild by them. Many projects of the eighteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century, which took place under the industrial revolution, in the sense s'orientèrent precedent.

This was not the case with many of the Enlightenment philosophers as John Locke who founded political philosophy on the natural law (law of nature), Robert Boyle, author of books on the experimental method (see philosophy nature), Jean-Jacques Rousseau (musings of a solitary walker), Samuel von Pufendorf (which inspired the U.S. Constitution) or many schools of painting in the nineteenth century (Barbizon School, Impressionism ...).

In recent decades, many philosophers have expressed concern about the relationship with nature (Rene Dubos, Hans Jonas ...).

According to modern philosophy, especially in the wake of Claude Lévi-Strauss, we consider that culture is natural to man, as all men have one, and that any "state of nature" (state pre-cultural) would be pure fiction. For this topic, see the article Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Recent discoveries suggest that the nature, biological, cultural influence. For their research, Robert Stoller and his colleagues have shown that in cases of error in the determination of sex at birth resulting from a biological anomaly not apparent, the forces of nature act "on attitudes and behavior of a child through its games, clothing, his choice of pertenaires game, and so on. In other words, that can influence the innate acquired. [8]

See also: State of Nature, Philosophy of nature, sustainable development

Although physical culture was originally limited to gyms, the development of modern sports tends to be closer to nature: mountaineering, skiing (including cross country skiing), cycling, kayaking, canyoning ...

30 janvier 2009

Philosophies of nature

In current usage, nature has long been presented dichotomy as what is around the man, not him, and that is driven by processes and forces that are beyond him. Nature was the environment in which man lived. But science and ecology in particular have shown that the nature (co-) evolves over time and space, according to complex principles, including those of the (evolution) and the forces that animated or diverted by the humans have become capable of changing the major planetary processes.
Particularly among animist peoples, nature is sometimes presented as showing the equivalent of an autonomous will or sense. So is it common to hear that the nature of revenge is what he done wrong, or to make it a hundredfold well he did, and that certain acts are against nature. These expressions suggest that modern humans attaches particular value to nature, ethics and morals, he will include or not.

Nature is perceived by the senses and is thinking of ways variable species and individuals included [ref. desired]. From a philosophical point of view, the distinction is merely between nature, the nature of species and the representation of human nature (homo sapiens). The reasoning confine, limit and therefore clarifies default human capacity and scale to give, to recognize and consider the value of the exercise.
The representation of "human nature" is logically existing human philosophies and cultures as possible.
The philosophy of nature "is a subject of seemingly undiscovered by being alive, despite multiple Miroitements felt.

30 janvier 2009

Mother nature

Anthropomorphized representation of nature that focuses on the life-giving and nurturing features of nature by embodying it in the form of the mother. Images of women representing mother earth, and mother nature, are timeless. In prehistoric times, goddesses were worshipped for their association with fertility, fecundity, and agricultural bounty. Priestesses held dominion over aspects of Incan, Assyrian, Babylonian, Slavonic, Roman, Greek, Indian, and Iroquoian religions in the millennia prior to the inception of patriarchal religions.

"beneath the clouds lives the Earth-Mother from whom is derived the Water of Life, who at her bosom feeds plants, animals and men" As Algonquin legend says

The word nature comes from the Latin word, natura, meaning birth or character. In English its first recorded use, in the sense of the entirety of the phenomena of the world, was very late in history in 1662; however natura, and the personification of Mother Nature, was widely popular in the Middle Ages and can be traced to Ancient Greece in origin. The modern concept of nature, all inclusive of all phenomenon, has returned to its original pre-Socratic roots, no longer a personification or deity except in a rhetorical sense, a bow to her illustrious traditions.

28 janvier 2009


tree is a perennial woody plant. It is most often defined as a woody plant that has many secondary branches supported clear of the ground on a single main stem or trunk with clear apical dominance.

Trees are an important component of the natural landscape because of their prevention of erosion and the provision of a weather-sheltered ecosystem in and under their foliage. Trees also play an important role in producing oxygen and reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as well as moderating ground temperatures. They are also elements in landscaping and agriculture, both for their aesthetic appeal and their orchard crops (such as apples). Wood from trees is a building material, as well as a primary energy source in many developing countries. Trees also play a role in many of the world's mythologies (see trees in mythology). As of 2005, there were approximately 400 billion trees on Earth, about 61 per person

28 janvier 2009

The Forest

Forests are essential for life on Earth. They give us shade and shelter, refuge and refreshment, clean air and water. Today, with a growing global population and subsequent demand for forest products, the forests of the world are at risk from widespread deforestation and degradation.

27 janvier 2009

Marijuana Are Nature’s Tracking Devices

  suppliers in Mexico and Canada, especially British Columbia, are gaining market share, most of the marijuana that is bought, sold and smoked by Americans is grown domestically. Six states — California, Hawaii, Kentucky, Oregon, Tennessee and Washington — dominate domestic marijuana production. Beyond that, relatively little is known about where the drug comes from and how it makes its way around the country compared with what is known about harder drugs like cocaine or heroin.

The marijuana (hemp) plant, of course, has an incredible number of uses. The earliest known woven fabric was apparently of hemp, and over the centuries the plant was used for food, incense, cloth, rope, and much more. This adds to some of the confusion over its introduction in the United States, as the plant was well known from the early 1600's, but did not reach public awareness as a recreational drug until the

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The nature ...